Enabling continuous integration between your Azure App Services and Docker
Containers is simple. Learn how.
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Following up on a previous post where we learned how to deploy our own Docker Images to Azure App Services, today we will learn how to enable continuous deployment between our App Service and our Azure Container Registry so that our ASP.NET website is automatically updated whenever a new image is pushed to our private repository.
On this post we will:
- Review how to create an Azure App Service and configure it to run Docker Images
- Deploy Docker images from Azure Container Registry into it
- Access our instance, view logs and learn how to monitor it and configure it
- Learn about tools available to manage containers
If you want to follow along, please check the previous tutorials discussing how to:
- Build a simple ASP.NET Core image on your local Docker repository
- Create and push a Docker Image to your own Azure Container Registry
- Deploy Docker images to Azure App Services
As requirements, please make sure you have:- Docker Desktop (Windows or Mac) or Docker Engine (Linux) installed
- An Azure Account
- An Azure Container Registry created on your Azure account
- Images already pushed to your Azure Container Registry (ACR)
- An Azure App Service created and configure to accept Docker container deployments
Why Continuous Deployment?
Before getting to the code, let's understand a little more about continuous deployment. Wikipedia defines it as,a software engineering approach in which software functionalities are delivered frequently through automated deployments.And why practice CD? Still according to Wikipedia, CD is especially important because in an environment in which data-centric microservices provide the functionality, and where the microservices can be multiply instantiated, CD consists of instantiating the new version of a microservice and retiring the old version as it has drained all the requests in flight.
Reviewing our App Service
So let's start by reviewing our application. We will resume from a previous post where we explained how to deploy our Docker images to App Services. Our app looked like this:Our App Service Panel
Here's its Azure panel:Container Services
And here's the configuration used on the previous deployment:Image Setup
Notice that because we're switching to continuous deployment and we'll be constantly changing the version number so sticking with v1 will no longer work. On this case, tagging our images as latest is preferred since we want automatic deployments whenever a new webapp:latest reaches the registry. As you expect, tagging an existing image is a simple process:
docker image tag webapp hildenco.azurecr.io/webapp:latest
Then we push that image again just so our repo contains a latest tag to configure our webhook:
docker image push hildenco.azurecr.io/webapp:latest
We now should now see webapp:latest in our registry:
Enabling Continuous Deployment
With the requirements in place, let's configure the necessary settings to deploy whenever a new webapp:latest reaches the registry.Enabling App Service Continuous Deployment
To enable continuous deployment for our App Service, open your App Service -> Container Settings, set Continuous Deployment to on and the tag to latest, then save:
This operation may take a little longer than you expect because it will create
a webhook with the above configuration in our registry. See the next item for
more information
Reviewing the Container Registry webhook
Now go to Container Registry -> Webhooks to confirm that the previous operation created a webhook for us. As seen from the history, it was never triggered so let's push a new image to test it.Preparing a new Version
So let's prepare another version to test if our CD works. On this step we will change the code, rebuild the image, tag it as latest and push it to our private repo.
Keep track of your versions. Images can contain multiple tags and they don't
occupy any space. Treat your tags as releases. In case you want to restore or
redeploy an older version, it's easier to find them by tag and by image ID.
Changing the Source Code
Firstly let's change our super-complexcode and add a link to this site in our landing page:Rebuilding the Image
Next, we rebuild our webapp with:docker image build . -t webapp
Then we tag it with the registry's
docker image tag webapp hildenco.azurecr.io/webapp:latest
Testing our Continuous Deployment
With our local image ready and tagged, let's push it to our registry and verify if the webhook was triggered.Pushing our Image
In order to push our image, login to ACR with:az acr login -n hildenco
Then we push it with:docker image push hildenco.azurecr.io/webapp:latest
Reviewing the webhook
Refresh the webhook page and see that the hook executed successfully:Reviewing the logs
And on the logs tab under Container settings, I also see that the webhook was triggered (UTC time):
Reviewing the App
Lastly, we can confirm that our awesome app was updated on the public URL:Conclusion
On this post we reviewed how to do continuous integration from Docker containers into our Azure App Services using our private Azure Container Registry. Docker containers today are the standard way to build, pack and ship our applications and it's important to learn how tools such as private container registries can help us be more effective.References
- Continuous deployment with Web App for Containers
- Docker Hub Webhooks
- Using Azure Container Registry webhooks
See Also
- Microservices in ASP.NET
- My journey to 1 million articles read
- Deploying Docker images to Azure App Services
- Pushing Docker images to ACR - Azure Container Registry
- Distributed caching in ASP.NET Core using Redis, MongoDB and Docker
- Configuration in .NET Core console applications
- Adding Application Insights telemetry to your ASP.NET Core website
- Async Request/Response with MassTransit, RabbitMQ, Docker and .NET core
- Monitor ASP.NET applications using Application Insights and Azure Alerts
- How to build and run ASP.NET Core apps on Linux