Friday, June 22, 2018

Blazor, a new framework for .NET web apps

There's an emerging way to develop web applications on the .NET world: Blazor. Read and understand what changes.

There's a new talk from the awesome Steve Sanderson on the new Blazor framework. For those who don't know Blazor, it's a Full-stack web development with C# and WebAssembly. It's an experimental project exploring what would be building .Net applications using the .Net framework and C# that run in the browser using WebAssembly.

I've been following Blazor and am very excited with the direction the project is taking and following it very closely. Hope this project matures enough and gets incorporate in the .Net Core framework on the next release.

Blazor and WebAssembly

Steve Sanderson describes on Blazor: a technical introduction details about the Blazor Framework that are worth reading. Basically we'll have two modes: interpreted and ahead-of time. Take a look at the differences below.

Interpreted Mode

In interpreted mode, the runtime is compiled to WebAssembly, but the .NET assembly files are not. The browser then load and execute the runtime, which loads and execute s standard .NET assemblies built by the normal .NET build tools.

Diagram showing interpreted mode

Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled mode

In AOT mode, your application’s .NET assemblies are transformed to pure WebAssembly binaries at build time
Diagram showing AOT mode

Blazor Presentation

The full blazor presentation is available on YouTube. I encourage you to watch it.

Final Thoughts

Blazor is really exciting and is being in active development. We will revisit the latest updates and surely update this post and build some prototypes in the future. Keep tuned. 

About the Author

Bruno Hildenbrand      
Principal Architect, HildenCo Solutions.