Monday, February 3, 2020

How to enable ASP.NET error pages using Azure Serial Console

It's possible to enable ASP.NET error pages on Azure by using the new Azure Serial Console. Let's see how.
By default, ASP.NET web applications running on a remote server set the customErrors property to "RemoteOnly". That means that, unless you're running on the local server, you won't be able to view the original error and the stack trace related it. And that's a good thing! A lot of successful hacks derive from understanding the exception messages and working around them.

But what if you're testing a new server, a new deployment process or just released a new feature and need to enable the error pages very quickly? Well, if you're using Azure, you can use Azure Serial Console to do the job. No SSHing, no RDPing or uploading of configurations to the remote environment. Let's see how.

Azure Serial Console

Today we will use Azure Serial Console. According to Microsoft:
The Serial Console in the Azure portal provides access to a text-based console for virtual machines (VMs) and virtual machine scale set instances running either Linux or Windows. This serial connection connects to the ttyS0 or COM1 serial port of the VM or virtual machine scale set instance, providing access independent of the network or operating system state. The serial console can only be accessed by using the Azure portal and is allowed only for those users who have an access role of Contributor or higher to the VM or virtual machine scale set.
In other words, Azure Serial Console is a nice, simple and accessible tool that can be run from the Azure portal allowing us to interact with our cloud resources including our Azure App Services.

Accessing the console

To access the console for your web application, first we find our Azure App Service in the Portal by clicking on App Services:
Selecting the web site we want to open:
And click on Console on the Development Tools section. You should then see a shell similar to:

Using the Console

Now the fun part. We are ready to interact with our App Service directly from that shell. For starters, let's get some help:
The above screenshot shows some of the administrative commands available on the system. Most of them are standard DOS command prompt utilities that you probably used on your Windows box but never cared to learn. So what can we do?

Linux Tools on Azure Serial Console

Turns out that Redmond is bending to the accessibility, ubiquity and to the power of POSIX / open source tools used and loved by system administrators such as ls, diff, cat, ps, more, less, echo, grep, sed and others. So before jumping to the solution, let's review what we can do with some of these tools.
Example 1: a better dir with ls
Example 2: Creatting and appending content to files using echo, pipes and cat
Example 3: getting disk information with df
Example 4: viewing mounted partitions with mount
Example 5: Displaying differences between files using diff
Example 6: Getting kernel information using uname
Example 7: Even curl and scp is available!

Disabling Custom Errors

Okay, back to our problem. If you know some ASP.NET, you know that the trick is to modify the customErrors Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema) and set the property to   Off   . So let's see how we can change that configuration using a command line tool.

Backing up

Obviously we want to backup our web.config. I hope that's obvious with:
cp web.config web.config.orig

Using sed to replace configuration

Now, we will use sed (a tool available on the GNU operating system that Linux hackers can't live without) to change the setting directly from the console. I'm a sed geek and use it extensively in a Hugo project I've been working on (thousands of markdown files). Together with Go, the i3 window manager, Vim, ranger and grep, my Fedora workstation becomes an ideal development environment. Now, back to .NET...

Testing the Patch

We can safely test if our changes will work by typing:
sed 's/RemoteOnly/Off' web.config

Applying the Patch

Let's jump right to how to replace our customErrors element from   RemoteOnly   to   Off   ? The solution is this simple one-liner script:
sed -i 's/RemoteOnly/Off/' web.config

Switching Back

Now, obviously we may want to switch back. That's why it was important to backup your web.config before. We can switch back by replacing the changed web.config with the original:
rm web.config
mv web.config.orig web.config
Or by running sed again, this time with the parameters inverted:
sed -i 's/Off/RemoteOnly/' web.config

Security Considerations

I hope I don't need to repeat that it's unsafe to leave error pages off on your cloud services. Even if they are simply a playground, there are risks of malicious users pivoting to different services (like your database) and accessing confidential data. Please disable them as soon as possible.

What about Kudu?

Yes, Azure Kudu allows editing files on a remote Azure App Service by using a WISIWYG editor. However, we can't count on that always, everywhere. Remember, with the transition to a microservice-based architecture, more and more our apps will run on serverless and containerized environments meaning tools like that wouldn't be available. So the tip presented on this post will definitely stand the test of time! 😉

Final Thoughts

Wow, that seems a long post for such a small hack but I felt the need to stress certain things here:
  1. Developers shouldn't be afraid to use the terminal - I see this pattern especially with Microsoft developers assuming that there should always be a button to do something. The more you use the terminal, the more confident you'll be with the tools you're using regardless of where you are. 
  2. Microsoft is moving towards Linux and you should too - The GNU tools prove an unimaginable asset to know. Once you know how to use them better, you'll realize that your toolset grows and you get more creative getting things faster. Plus, the ability to pipe output between them yields unlimited possibilities. Don't know where to start? WSL is the best way to learn the Linux on Windows 10.
  3. Be creative, use the best tool for the job - choose wise the tool you use. Very frequently the command line is the fastest (and quickest) way to accomplish most of the automatic workflow. And it can be automated!


The Azure Serial Console can be a powerful tool to help you manage, inspect, debug and run quick commands against your Azure App Service and your Virtual Machines. And combined with the Linux tools it becomes even more powerful!

And you, what's your favorite hack?


See Also

About the Author

Bruno Hildenbrand      
Principal Architect, HildenCo Solutions.